Contact Us

+61 3 9375 3333


7 Rose St Essendon VIC 3040

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Our Fees

Chiropractic Fee Schedule

Initial Consultation
$160.00 (History, examination, report of findings, recommendations and treatment as indicated and x-rays if required)

Standard Consultation
$80.00 (History, examination and treatment)

Update Consultation (1)

Second Initial Consultation (2)

Family Consultation (3)
$80.00 parent / $40.00 child

Concession Rates for Chiropractic

Concession includes pensioners, un-employed persons, full time students & persons aged less than 18 years. The fee schedule is reduced $5.00 for concession clients. Please note that Government health care cards are not accepted at this clinic.

  1. Update consultations are for clients presenting with a new injury/complaint or for returning clients whom have not been examined for more than 6 months.
  2. Second Initial Consultations are required once a client has returned to the practice after more than 12 months. This requires extra time to take a history, examine and diagnose the purpose of the return visit and adequately plan the appropriate management strategy.
  3. A family consultation is when treatment is received on the same day by two parents and their children. Both adults shall be charged the full $80.00 fee if the child discount rate is to be applied.

Podiatry Fee Schedule

Initial Consultation
$155.00 (History, examination, report of findings, recommendations and treatment as indicated and x-rays if required)

Comprehensive Initial Consultation
$250.00 (Complex detailed history often involving several issues, examination involving diagnostic ultrasound and biomechanical assessment, report of findings, recommendations and treatment as indicated and possible referral for x-rays or other imaging procedures if required. Ideal for patients with conditions lasting longer than 6 months. Please call to clarify if you need assistance. )

Standard Consultation
$120.00 (History, examination and treatment)

Update Consultation (1)
$150.00 (Extended history, examination, diagnosis and treatment)

Concession Rates

Concession includes pensioners, un-employed persons, full time students & persons aged less than 18 years. The fee schedule is reduced $5.00 for concession clients. Please note that Government health care cards are not accepted at this clinic.

  1. Update consultations are for clients presenting with a new injury/complaint or for returning clients who have not been examined for more than 6 months.

Myotherapy Fee Schedule

40 Minute Consultation

60 Minute Consultation

90 Minute Consultation

120 Minute Consultation

Concession Rates for Myotherapy
Concession includes pensioners, un-employed persons, full time students & persons aged less than 18 years. The fee schedule is reduced $5.00 for concession clients. Please note that Government health care cards are not accepted at this clinic.
Concession rates do not apply to gift vouchers and promotional discounts/offers.



Non Attendance & Late Cancellation Fees

We know your time is precious, and so is ours. You will receive an SMS reminder the business day before your appointment.

Can't make it?

Simply call our friendly reception staff during business hours and organise another appointment. That way, we stay on time and you avoid late fees.

Unexpected emergency?

Call us when possible to let us know you're OK. We always take extenuating circumstances into consideration.

If you fail to attend an appointment or give notice of your non-attendance on the day of your consultation, a cancellation fee of 50% will be charged to your account. We are a busy clinic and have people waiting for appointments, so we appreciate a phone call if you are unable to attend or if you are running late to your appointment.

We really dislike having to apply these fees so help us avoid them by staying in contact!